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Equality. Polyamory. Sports. Games. Familial. Feasts. Fey. Dance. Pacifistic.


Faction Status: Open

Member Count: 26/30

Leader: Oleander



Namün: Allied

Volaires: Neutral

Loners: Wary


Mysterious. Mournful. Macabre. Haunted. Devout. Reclusive. Exorcisms. Death Worship.


Faction Status: Open

Member Count: 17/20

Leader: Anselm



Tephe: Allied

Volaires: Tense

Loners: Wary


Royal. Pure. Proud. Passionate. Harsh. Blood. Fine Arts. Knowledge. Light.


Faction Status: Open

Member Count: 19/30

Leader: Thereus



Tephe: Neutral/Cautious

Namün: Tense

Loners: Suspicious


Faction Status: Open

Member Count: 13/20

Quickstart Guide

Choosing a faction for your character is a big decision. Below are some tips/tricks and handy things to think about when creating a character for TOW. By considering these questions, you should be able to get your character implemented into TOW's world more easily and find their place in the faction of your choosing.


You may also refer to the [group timeline] for an overview of events and important plots that have taken place over the course of the game.

  • [General] Was your character born in their current faction or do they have origins elsewhere? NOTE: your character's backstory may not reference other hypothetical packs that exist in the Way, past or present. Former packs may only exist off-map.

  • [General] What does your character want out of life? What motivates them? Is there a task they aspire to as a pack wolf or a journey they aim to take as a Loner?

  • [General] What are your character's beliefs? Are they aligned with their faction or are they a bit of an outlier?

  • [General] What are your character's strengths, weaknesses, virtues, and flaws? How do those traits affect them?

  • [Tephe] Is your character a member of a particular Tephen Order or do they aspire to be?

  • [Tephe] Does your character have an aptitude for Spells, Dreamwalking, Pelt Reading, or other spiritual attunements?

  • [Tephe] Did your character have a Briner? Who was it and are they still close to that wolf?

  • [Tephe] Has your character ever been to The Claw? Do they have a vacation den there?

  • ​[Namün] Does your character have a talisman? Was it handed down in their family?

  • [Namün] Does your character know anyone who is buried in the Boneyard?
  • [Namün] Has your character ever had an exorcism?
  • [Namün] Will your character later get a piercing? Do they have anything specific in mind?
  • [Volaires] Does your character belong to one of the four family lineages or are they Naligné?
  • [Volaires] What was your character's Sun Phase when they were born?
  • [Volaires] If optional to them, does your character enjoy wearing the mark of their rank?
  • [Volaires] Is your character fond of collecting Trécieu? Do they have a personal hoard?  
  • [Loners] For what reason is your character a Loner? Is there a reason they have not joined a pack? Do they plan to or do they avoid pack wolves?
  • [Loners] Does your character have a favored haunt or place they call home in the unclaimed lands of the Way?
  • [Loners] How does your character survive on their own? What skills have they honed to support themself?
  • [Loners] How much does your character know about the Way, its factions, and its history? Have they heard stories or are they completely in the dark?
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