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"Do not use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe, create, trust, grow, and heal. "


》Spotify Playlist《

A sanctuary, a haven for peace; this has been the long-established goal for Tephe since its formation. In a time of confusion and fear, Tephe stood and continues to stand as a place of safety and security. 


Wolves who have experienced hardship and have not the taste for war and brutality can settle nicely in Tephe, where love and life rule all. As long as a wolf embodies the values Tephe holds dear or is willing to learn them, outsiders are welcomed to the pack gladly. 


Oppression has no place in Tephe. Leading by force is not leading at all but, rather, dominating and the equality-driven nature of the pack would never allow for such tyranny. Sewing discord and distrust with petty squabbles, harboring feelings of superiority over anyone, Tephen or non, and disrespecting the intricate beauty of life is not what it means to be Tephen; it is not what it means to be a wolf.


Uplifting others, possessing a fundamental respect for all life, creating a safe environment where peace can flourish; this is what it means to be Tephen.  


Tephen wolves tend to be heavyset, with round and chunky bodies. They are often squat and stocky in size, possessing powerful legs and thick-webbed paws for swimming. Tephens wolves are notable for being excellent swimmers and, indeed, they are the only known wolves in the realm who can reliably swim long distances; up to 8 miles without the serious need for rest. Pelts are typically fluffy to combat against the coastal chill of Tephen territory and come in a variety of colors and tones.


Many years ago, the wolves of the realm inhabited one large pack. However, as the creator deity, Caohr, continued to split and the pantheon grew, branching cultures and beliefs began to divide the pack. The wolves received a prophecy from the gods, telling them to search for something described only as 'The Opened Way.' 


The wolves did just that and journeyed far from their home in search of their salvation. Divisions continued to grow, however, and even when the pack had reached the fabled Opened Way, they could no longer exist as one entity. Thus, one pack became three; Volaires, Namün, and Tephe.


A collection of wolves who desired nothing but peace and tranquility gathered, forming the pack of Tephe down by the seaside. They came to greatly revere Lytia, the deity of the sea and formed a rich culture based on self-expression through dance, poetry, storytelling, games, and celebration.


All was well for Tephe for quite some time.


Yet, it was not long before conflict bloomed between the newly established packs. In order to foster good relations with Namün and Volaires, Tephe was willing to engage in trade with the other packs. Volaires had an interest in the precious stones found in Tephe territory, as well as their plentiful collection of seashells. Meanwhile, Namün wished to learn about Tephe's use of spells and wanted to use some of their coastal resources for trap components.


When tensions began to flare between Namün and Volaires, however, Tephe drew away. Initially, the Tephens made a case for peace but found they could not stand against either pack, who lashed out at one another in their own ways. Therefore, Tephe decided to cut off all trade. They only hoped the consequence would show Namün and Volaires their fighting resulted in nothing but hardship for everyone.


Yet, this did not sit well with Volaires in particular. Not long after the issues with Namün were squashed, Volaires led a brief invasion of Tephe's territory to reclaim the gems that they had been denied. The end result was a stalemate, with Tephe able to keep Volaires from advancing too far into their coast but suffering plenty of injuries from the battle, as well.


Tephe retreated to lick their wounds, but this respite did not last long. One eve, cries of alarm rang out as the wolves looked out at the sea and found it was not the deep blue they were familiar with. Swaths of red came rolling over the tides, staining the sea crimson. The pack's Vicars and Menders studied this mysterious change, trying to understand what had befallen their beloved Lytia.


For a time, no one was permitted to enter the body of water and it was also discovered that wolves who consumed prey from the sea fell ill. At last, things became clear to Tephe; Lytia was dying. Despite being a powerful deity, their blood was filling the sea and they were growing weak. The Tephens believed Lytia to be despairing from the conflicts that had transpired in the recent moons. 


Thus, began the first-ever Jubilee held for Lytia, to heal and comfort the woeful deity. Tephe swore to peace, leaving Namün and Volaires to sort out their own conflicts for themselves. It was a terrifying time for Tephe but, eventually, the red color drained from the sea and it seemed as though peace was restored.


Since then, trade has not been reestablished between the packs and Tephe has been adamant about remaining uninvolved in the affairs of other packs and maintaining positive energy in the pack itself.


Unfortunately, however, the pacifistic pack was stricken by a terrible tragedy some moons ago. The former chief, Llyr, did not ascend to his position in the way most Tephen leaders do. His companion, a wolf named Galloway, was actually en route to become the next chief. However, Llyr was forced to take his friend's life in order to prevent him from doing so, as Galloway was power-hungry and would have enacted tyrannical rule over Tephe.


As taking a life is seen as the ultimate burden, Llyr was heralded as a hero and elected as the next chief. He led the pack proudly for the rest of his life and passed peacefully in his sleep 6 moons ago. When he died, his son, Oleander, was the natural choice to take up the mantle as chief. 


Despite the grief of losing his father, Oleander did so and now leads Tephe in Llyr's place.



In recent history, Tephe opened its borders to the other packs when it was decided that Caohr's Code demanded so. The Covenant of Atolli invaded the Way, striking Tephe first and then moving throughout the realm to spread their influence. Chief Oleander sent warnings to their neighbors, Volaires and Namün but even that was not enough to prevent Atolli from growing in power.


Fearing the worst, the Chief called for all the packs to unite at Loch Ly and make a final stand against the Covenant. The War for the Way commenced with all three packs and even unaligned Loners fighting alongside each other. The wolves of the Way were victorious but the battle was not easily won.


To further foster good relationships between the factions, Tephe was treated as a safe haven for a brief time. Any wolf was welcome to stay and recover until they were strong enough to return to their own lands. When the packs did eventually part, it was done so amicably and, perhaps, with deeper bonds forged... 




[Voting upon a new pack leader.]

Tephe does not determine its leaders by status of birth nor rigorous training. When a new Chief/Chiefess must step forward to lead Tephe, there may or may not be many candidates. The pack all comes together to vote on and decide who shall next lead them. In most cases, this is a popularity contest. The most well-liked and revered wolf in the pack has a better chance of being selected than a stuffy tactician- for better or for worse. However, because of this democratic arrangement, there is also nothing to stop Tephe from deciding the current leader is no longer worthy of their title and an alpha can easily be impeached by their pack members.


The mate[s] of the current Chief/Chiefess are also viewed in a leadership role and respected by rank and title.


》Lytia's Jubilee《

[Holiday honoring the sea deity.]

Tephens, dependant on the sea for much of their livelihoods, highly revere the god of the sea, Lytia. There are plenty of superstitions surrounding the deity and, due to Lytia's unpredictable nature, ways to avoid upsetting them. Sometimes, Lytia grows sorrowful and angry, however, and when they do, the sea roars terribly and crashes upon the shore, heavy rains fall without end, and fierce winds tear the land apart.


Once, Lytia's blood even filled the sea and stained it red, leading the pack to believe that they were dying. Lytia's Jubilee was created in direct response to this incident. The pack gathered together to heal and comfort the deity, pouring all of their resources and energy into the restoration of their most revered deity. Thankfully, this was successful. Yet, Tephe has never forgotten the dreaded Red Tide and in order to keep Lytia joyful and content, all of Tephe gathers together at the start of Waking Moon (April) and journeys to the seaside for this event.


The pack then performs a sacred dance before Lytia in hopes of entertaining and appeasing the deity, with the goal of staving off storms for the rest of the year and banishing the Red Tide for good. After the dance, which lasts most of the day, the gathered wolves then settle in for a feast and spend the evening telling stories to Lytia and one another.   


》The Longest Night《

[Divine ritual to ward off specters.]

During the coldest months, the sun graces the sky for very few hours and it remains dark for many days. On the darkest night of the year, right in the middle of Silent Moon (December), it is said by Tephens that the specters who still dwell in the world of the living are most active, seeking to cause harm to those they envy. On The Longest Night, Tephens engage in ritualistic chants/songs, encouraging the specters to move on and enter the cycle of reincarnation.


》Journey to the Selcirc《

[Travel to sacred grounds.]

The Selcirc is a mysterious semi-circle of upright stones that resides in Tephen territory. The wolves of the realm have no idea from where it originated or what the peculiar arrangements of the stones mean but Tephens believe it was a gift left to them by Caohr. Only Vicars and, perhaps, the Chief/Chiefess are allowed to walk upon this sacred ground. Journeying to the Selcirc is only permitted during the direst of circumstances, when all other methods of contacting the deities have failed, or when one has been deliberately summoned there by the deities. 


》Herbal Healing《

[Recreational use of intoxicating plants.]

It was discovered some time ago that wolves could experience new sensory feelings by chewing on certain plants. The practice has become commonplace now and Tephens oftentimes do so to relax, acquire a 'buzz', and indulge in sensations of euphoria. The most popular of these plants is the Tickleweed; a cannabis-like leaf that produces a 'tickling' sensation on the tongue when chewed.



[Harnessing the earth's natural energy to achieve desired results.]

Tephe strongly believes that, though Caohr may be gone, their energy remains. Every living thing is blessed with energy from Caohr and this energy can be used to affect the world. In Tephe, it is believed that this dormant energy can be awakened and harnessed by the use of Spells.


Spells can be cast via small rituals. Typically, these rituals involve gathering specific ingredients, chanting words of power, and seeking out highly magical places in which to host these rituals. The use of Spells is largely unrestricted in Tephe, meaning that anyone can cast Spells as they see fit- as long as they are willing to put in the work. Spells are said to have a greater chance of working when one gathers all the needed resources and prepares the ritual themself.


Throughout the ages, Tephe has developed many Spells that are said to bring about a variety of effects. Spells can be cast for luck, protection, etc. Most Spells are intended to bless the caster or another party with positive effects. However, there is one Spell that is exempt from this. Tephens had once used a 'Bad Luck' Spell against enemies in dire circumstances.


This Bad Luck Spell is not intended to cause direct harm to someone, just to inconvenience them. Yet, back when Tephe engaged in trade more actively with Namün, the dark pack showed great interest in this particular Spell. It is reported that some Namünen learnt the Bad Luck Spell but twisted it and corrupted it into a proper hex that could bring devastating results upon the recipient. 


Since then, Tephe has been more cautious about the use of the Bad Luck Spell and it is used extremely rarely these days, for fear of accidentally evoking the Namünen Hex.


Some examples of Tephen Spells...

  • Good Luck Spell: Gather clovers (especially four-leafed clovers) or cast the Spell in a clover field. Manifest the good luck desired by chanting a mantra (ex: 'I can do it') and frolic about the clovers until the Spell feels complete.

  • Protection Spell: Place an amethyst stone on an 'altar' (the altar can be any location that feels spiritually/magically significant) and encase the altar in a circle drawn in the ground. Meditate in the circle for several hours a day to replenish the protective energy around oneself. 

  • Fertility Spell: Obtain an egg from any egg-laying creature (preferably one that is not due to hatch) and dig a hole in the ground. The caster and the caster's partner(s) must then place the egg in the hole and bury it. Complete the spell by touching noses above the hole and hold the pose for a number of seconds equal to the number of pups desired.

  • Recovery Spell: Gather a bundle of wild herbs and flowers such as sage, lavender, rosemary, mint, etc, and brush the bundle over the interior and exterior of one's den. The caster must then lay on one's back inside the den and chant "scíthe" (meaning "rest") over and over. If the caster is eventually lulled to sleep, the Spell is considered to be especially effective. If not, the Spell ends when it feels appropriate.

  • Discovery Spell: When unable to find something one has lost or remember something one has forgotten, this Spell can help. One must gather a long strand of seaweed from the beach and bring it to a chosen pine tree. The seaweed is wrapped around the trunk of the tree and a small incantation is muttered: 'return to me what I have lost, so that I may move forth.' If the Spell is successful and the lost item/memory is returned, the caster must return to the tree and unbind it, lest their memory/possession is said to be taken from them by the Faer.

  • Bad Luck Spell: Gather mushrooms (preferably brown mushrooms, red spotted mushrooms are considered too powerful for this Spell and should only be used when intending to do true harm) or cast the Spell near a cluster of mushrooms. Visualize the recipient for the bad luck in one's mind and chant a mantra (ex: 'Bad luck upon [NAME]') while stomping/crushing the mushrooms. 

Please note that wolves cannot actually cast Spells or use magic- these are mere beliefs held by the Tephen wolves that can be explained by natural occurrences.​



[Communial relaxation.]

During the warm parts of the year, it is a common practice for Tephens to journey down to the beach where the large, flat rocks soak up the rays from the sun, and lounge atop the formations with friends and family. Tephens will engage in a big cuddle pile, basking in the warmth as they chatter idly amongst themselves and relax.



[Popular game of skill.]

A popular game in Tephe that is often enjoyed by young and old wolves alike. A large circle is drawn in the soil and wolves take turns flinging, kicking, rolling, launching, etc, pinecones into the circle. The object of the game is to keep your pinecone inside the ring while also working to knock your opponents' out. A variety of strategies and play styles have been invented throughout the years and it is often remarked that one can tell a lot about a wolf based on how they bowl.



[Friendly wrestling matches.]

A skirmish is when two or more wolves engage in a friendly wrestling match with one another. Skirmishes are common pastimes that can be used to settle little disagreements, prove a point, or simply as a fun game. A skirmish can typically garner a large audience in a matter of moments and wolves enjoy picking sides to root for, hyping up the participants with cheers and shouts. No teeth or claws are permitted to be used during a proper skirmish and instead the goal is to pin your opponent to the ground long enough to recite a short rhyme. 


'Look at (pinned wolf's name)

With their nose pressed in sod

Stay down too long and

On your head, we'll all trod

Get up if you can

Or admit you've lost

And beneath our paws

You'll be squashed'


》Gull Chasing《

[Lively game of chasing birds.]

Littered across the Tephen coast are various gulls. The birds can be found milling about, scrounging for food, and generally making a lot of noise on a constant basis. The birds are harmless and perhaps a bit annoying at times, so Tephen pups often enjoy chasing them and trying to give them a scare. Gull Chasing is a popular game, even among the youngest of pups, in which each participant takes turns trying to spook the gulls and keep them off the ground for the longest amount of time. The game can be difficult, as the gulls often seem rather unfazed and return to their perches without much care. For many pups, Gull Chasing is their first experience in what it is like to hunt prey- though rarely is a bird actually caught during this game.



[Celebratory banquets.]

Wolves of Tephe love celebration and community. Feasts are often held to celebrate achievements in the pack- no matter how minor. Whether it be the birth of a litter, a wolf taking on a new task, or the weather being particularly nice. Tephens do not exactly need much reason to gather together and enjoy. During such banquets, it is common for stories, songs, poems, dances, and other performances to be held. 


In the best of circumstances, Tephe is also one to invite the other packs to such gatherings. Being invited to a Tephen feast means bringing something of your own to contribute, whether that be food to add to the meal or a tale to entertain the attendees.



[Expression of identity.]

Tephens believe that gender is a matter of expression and a concept that does not at all relate to biology. Wolves are often expected and encouraged to experiment with their identities as they grow until they inhabit one that is comfortable to them. Tephens tend to stay very flexible on this front for their entire lives and some change names/pronouns regularly without issue.


》The Salmon Run《

[Respect for the cycle of life.]

Tephens respect the lives of all creatures, big or small. In order for wolves to live, wolves must eat and so they must consume the flesh of other beings. A hunt must always conclude with the hunter who slew the prey giving thanks to the kill for its life and acknowledging the sacrifice made to prolong theirs/their pack members. A short moment of silence is held after killings of any kind for this reason.


The Salmon Run is an event that Tephens use as a teaching tool for young pups in order to introduce them to this concept. When the salmon begin their migratory rush up the Oarisn River, Tephens often gather to watch this occurrence. During this time, the opportunity to catch dozens of fish presents itself. However, Tephe believes that they should not gorge themselves on the salmon and instead allow the creatures to finish their run without interference. 


This allows Tephe to teach their young to take only what they need and be thankful for all that they have. The only salmon that are permitted to be consumed during The Salmon Run are the ones that stray too far upstream and end up caught in the Oarisn Falls. Tephens may catch the flying fish as they are launched from the waterfall before they plummet to the sea below, as they likely would not survive the briny depths of Lytia.


》Floppy-Nosed Seals《

[History of conflict with strange seals.]

Nearby Tephe's main stretch of beach is what appears to be a breeding ground for strange, Floppy-Nosed Seals (elephant seals). Tephens sometimes refer to the big brutes as 'Floppers' for short. No wise Tephen is fooled by the silly name, however. These Floppy-Nosed Seals are absolutely massive and quite aggressive. Their calls are loud and frightening and they are not afraid to charge even a group of wolves.


The Floppers are not hunted by Tephe, as a result, and every wolf knows not to engage with them. During mating season, these creatures are particularly dangerous and will sometimes invade Tephe's beach from the southwest to root around for food. Tephens have to be very careful with their pups during these times, as the Floppy-Nosed Seals could easily see pups as a quick snack.


》Territory Defense《

[Natural barriers and fighting styles.]

When it comes to defending Tephen territory, the pack's first line of defense is simply to try and establish good relations with other wolves. They are pacifistic in nature and so conflict is best avoided in the eyes of Tephe. The pack tries to remain peaceful and neutral in times of tension but this, of course, does not always work.


Luckily, around Tephe's borders, there are crumbling walls of what is known as coquina. Coquina is a mineral made from many shards of seashells that have been formed into these walls. The Tephens know not how these walls came to be but after living with them for generations, they have come to understand how these can be used as a defense against intruders. If a wolf is cut by the sharp coquina, it is likely that the wound can become deeply infected due to the bacteria found on the shells. While Tephe knows this and has knowledge of how to avoid/treat the infections, this is a secret they have not shared with other packs.


Finally, if a battle is truly unavoidable, it is then that Tephe sends in the protectors of the pack; the Barbarians. Tephen Barbarians are typically the largest wolves in the pack. They are kept well-fed and their size and strength are fostered as their greatest asset. Barbarians are taught not to kill if possible and instead of using teeth and claws to win battles, they are instructed in body-checking/tackling opponents. Tephens try to pin and overpower their opponents without causing serious harm for as long as they can, hopefully resulting in a surrender/retreat from the other party. Only when all else has failed does a Barbarian actually go for the throat and kill; intending to end another's life as swiftly and as painlessly as possible.


》The Brining Ceremony《

[New birth ceremony.]

When a litter of pups is born in Tephe, the usual fanfare and celebrations of shared joy in the pack take place. However, there is also a small ceremony that is said to bless the pups born with good fortune and happiness. While not required by law, most parents do choose to go through with this ceremony for the betterment of their children.


Parents choose at least two wolves, typically other family members or close friends, who are dubbed 'Briners.' The Briners are responsible for traveling to the sea and working together to carry soaked moss or leaves that have been submerged in the Loch. The seawater is brought back to the pack and gently sprinkled over the newborn pups, introducing them to Lytia for the first time.


To be chosen as a pup's Briner is a high honor and is thought to bind you to the pup you have brined for the rest of your days. When pups are old enough to understand, they are often introduced to their Briner(s) and give thanks of their own for the service done. It is commonplace for most Tephens to know their Briner(s) by name and remember them for their entire lives.


Pups in Tephe are raised somewhat communally, with the entire pack pitching in to help where they are needed. The parents of a litter, of course, have first and final say in matters concerning their young but if, for whatever reason, the parents are not available, this honor shifts to the pups' Briner(s). If the Briner(s) are then unavailable, the pack continues to raise the young communally and share in meeting the respective needs of the pups.



[Funeral ceremony.]

When a wolf dies, the entire pack gathers together unless the mourners closest to the deceased wolf decline such support. If that does not occur, the Tephens work together to dig a large and lavish grave for the deceased- if possible, they are buried at/near to a favored place they frequented when alive. The grave is adorned with gifts from each pack member, such as flowers and little trinkets. When the deceased wolf has been buried, the gathered wolves then remain behind to tell stories of and remember the life lost.



[Plentiful love.]

It is believed by Tephens that one's heart is plenty big enough to love multiple partners if one so desires. It can be common for Tephens to enter mateship with several different wolves, occupying a relationship/family with them all. Not only is this seen as an immense sign of love and unity but it also boosts the population, with many litters being born as a result. It is not at all uncommon for the average Tephen to have a few half-siblings because of this.


》Love and Unity《

[Courting and mateship.]

Relationships in Tephe can be considered very casual. Tephens have a lot of love to give and will often share it proudly, with many of their packmates. There are no official laws in regards to wolves and their mateships but there are certain courting practices that are typically observed. Courting is often a long and playful process. Interested wolves pursue each other by giving gifts of food, flowers, trinkets, songs, and poems. This can go on for several moons, Tephens believing that the chase is half the fun. However, when two or more wolves decide that the courting process is finished, a grandiose wedding usually follows.


The entire pack celebrates a Tephen wedding. These are typically held on the beach, by the sea. Wolves feast, sing songs, dance, and, at the ceremony's conclusion, the mated wolves share the courting gifts with all the attendees. Tephens are not permitted to have mates outside of the pack but if a wolf has fallen in love with an outsider, that wolf would be welcomed into Tephe if they chose to join.


》Qharrach Fest《

[Holiday celebrating the beginning of Spring.]

At the start of Birch Moon (March), Tephens celebrate the changing of seasons and welcome Spring to the realm. During this time, the deity of Spring, Qhana is empowered and renews the land with life after the cold Winter moons. As a way of symbolically undergoing this renewal themselves, the wolves of Tephe gather on the first evening of Birch Moon and head down to the beach. There, the Oarisn Falls overhang a rocky cliffside and create a curtain of what the Tephens believe to be holy water; a tether between land and sea. Each member of the pack takes turns walking through the curtain and letting the falls wash away anything that they might be carrying with them from the previous year, cleansing them and giving them a blank slate for the new one. The holiday then concludes with a feast on the beach.


》Enradh Fest《

[Holiday celebrating the beginning of Summer.]

At the start of Sunken Moon (June), Tephens celebrate the changing of seasons and welcome Summer to the realm. Springtime in Tephe is usually quite prosperous and results in a comfortable and abundant Summertime for the pack. However, Tephe has always been keen not to take anything for granted and never wastes excess resources during this season. Wildflowers, especially heather, are picked and left all day to dry in the Summer sun. As the sun sets, the flowers are arranged in circles along the shore and wolves say small prayers of thanks to the Summer deity, Ena, during this time. When the celebration is finished, the flowers form the symbol of Ena and a feast is held within each circle to conclude the holiday.


》Khefogr Fest《

[Holiday celebrating the beginning of Autumn.]

At the start of Hushed Moon (September), Tephens celebrate the changing of seasons and welcome Autumn to the realm. On the first day of Hushed Moon, at the darkest time of night, the wolves of Tephe gather in the Tephen Highlands for a 'last hurrah' with the Autumn deity, Kheos. The evening is spent under the stars, relishing in pure pleasure. Wolves dance, sing, chant, and engage in lively stunts to impress and entertain one another. Tephens often feel a bit risky and journey close to the dangerous woods of Somerglen on this night, inviting plenty of chances for them to be tricked by the Faer and specters alike. However, getting swept up in the mania and rush of streaking through the territory not only imbues wolves with great bravery but some Tephens say the shrieking and sprinting is the only thing that confines the fearsome Faer and specters to Somerglen for the rest of the year.


》Phimhr Fest《

[Holiday celebrating the beginning of Winter.]

At the start of Silent Moon (December), Tephens celebrate the changing of seasons and welcome Winter to the realm. Winter can be quite a difficult season in Tephe. When cold enough, the Oarisn River freezes, and fishing from the ocean can become somewhat dangerous due to the drop in temperature, as well. As such, the wolves have to rely on the sparse land prey in order to get by. Tephens will beseech Phidite, the deity of Winter, to bless them with fortune during these harsh times by engaging in a small ritual. The territory is scoped for the largest and most snow-clad tree that can be found. Then, the pack gathers with fallen branches and sticks in their mouths, which they press against the trunk of the tree as they begin to encircle it. They spin while the rest of the pack chants and prays, accepting whatever clumps of snow and ice may fall on them from above in order to demonstrate their humility to Phidite. When snow no longer falls, the ceremony concludes- by Phidite's order.


》Tephen Orders《

[Social rings of shared hobbies.]

An Order is, typically, a small group of wolves who have united for recreational activities which cater to various interests. Any wolf is welcome to join an Order, regardless of age, rank, task, etc. The wolves of each Order meet on a regular basis and engage in activities to hone/develop certain skills, deepen the pack's culture, and strengthen their bond with one another. It is believed that having these hobbies is of great importance if one wishes to lead a long and happy life. Working all the time without relief or creative outlets is taxing on the spirit and can lead to one's anam becoming restless and unsatisfied; and an anam that is unsatisfied becomes a specter, unable to peacefully enter the cycle of reincarnation upon a wolf's death.


There are currently five established Orders in Tephe. No new Orders may be created without the permission of the Chief/Chiefess.

> Order of Songs <

The Order of Songs is quite popular with all wolves of the pack, not just Minstrels who utilize song as a teaching tool and means of recording history. The Order of Songs allows every wolf to have the chance to express themself through music and dance. During holidays and rituals which require such performances, this Order flourishes.


> Order of Harvest <

Wolves belonging to the Order of Harvest spend much time foraging, gathering resources that can then be used to aid the pack, and also discovering little trinkets and charms during their explorations. Wolves who enjoy travel and discovery will feel right at home here. The Order also tends to sport many knowledgable wolves who assist greatly in the preparations of the many Tephen feasts that take place in the pack.


> Order of Essence <

Spiritual enlightenment and inner peace are that which is most valued by the Order of Essence. Wolves of this Order often spend their time meditating and Dreamwalking together. Mutually, they attempt to cleanse their minds and anams of any unrest, worry, or fears that may be plaguing one another. Commonly, the use of healing stones and herbs is also employed to further promote this relaxation. This is also a good place to practice Spells and get acquainted with magic.


> Order of Zeal <

Wolves who find themselves bursting with energy can easily burn it off in the Order of Zeal. Games of bowling and skirmishing are commonly hosted within the Order for its members to participate in. Not only that, but bouts of swimming and playing on the beach, running races, feats of strength, and other active pastimes populate the Order, as well.


> Order of Prayer <

A newly founded Order that centers around worshipping the deities of the Way. Group prayer sessions are often held within the Order, led by a Vicar. Rookies who must undergo therapy before being fully accepted into Tephe are particularly frequent visitors. Wolves who seek divine answers and a greater understanding of the realms beyond the Way devote themselves to this Order, hoping their prayers will be answered.



It is believed by Tephens that every living thing has an 'anam' or 'soul.' Your anam is, in essence, who you are and the physical form around it is only the shell that contains it. When a creature dies, its anam is reincarnated into a new creature. The anams of wolves very rarely reincarnate into wolves again, so Tephens believe it is very important to live as long and happy of a life as they can as wolves while they can.


》The Sea Deity《

As Tephe resides close to the ocean, the pack most heavily worships the deity of the sea, Lytia. The pack will take great measures to ensure they do not offend the deity of the sea, as their entire livelihood is based largely on resources from the ocean. Tephe honors Lytia through ceremonial song and dance, as well as regular prayers of thanks.


Tephe also honors the other incarnations connected to Lytia, such as Oaris and Qhana, but these are considered secondary deities to Lytia. Tephens, while they prioritize the worship of the sea deity, do see the other deities of the pantheon as important in their own right and recognize them where their domains apply.



To Tephens, luck is a simple fact of life. Luck is a force that no one can control but it exists and affects the everyday lives of all creatures. Luck can be good or bad and there are several superstitions that are said to invite one or the other.


  • Clovers, especially the four-leafed kind, are incredibly lucky. If a wolf finds or consumes one, they can expect good luck to follow.

  • If a wolf is on their own and they meet a fellow lone magpie, the wolf must greet the bird by dipping their head. If they do so, the magpie will return the favor by bringing them good luck. If they do not, bad luck will surely find them.

  • Rolling in a field during spring in the early morning is considered to be good luck, especially if the grass is wet with dew.

  • Performing the Good Luck Spell is a way to entice good luck to favor oneself.


  • If a wolf's nose is relentlessly itchy, it is a sign that conflict will soon find them, such as an argument or skirmish.

  • It is bad luck to count the number of wolves who attend a burial for a deceased packmate. For every wolf counted, aloud, or in your head, a moon falls off your lifespan.

  • Howling/singing on days when the ocean is particularly choppy is considered bad luck, as it entices the deity of the sea to begin a storm.

  • Sleeping/laying with one's ear to the ground is said to cause ideas, memories, dreams, etc to fall out the other side and be harder to recall.


》The Faer《

The Faer, also known as Fey, Pixis, or Sprites, are said to dwell in the forests near Tephe. These elusive creatures do not enjoy being seen and will hide from wolves more often than not. They aren't particularly dangerous unless disturbed at the wrong time. If ever a wolf encounters a circle of mushrooms growing in the damp soil, they must not go near and must never, ever step into the circle. The Faer create these circles when they are dancing and, if a wolf arrives uninvited to this private event, they may be forced to dance with the Faer until their paws fall clean off. 


Parents will often invoke tales of the Faer to keep curious pups close to home and dissuade any troublemaking. The Faer are known to have some shapeshifting abilities, thus allowing them to impersonate the various animals of the realm. Wolves, of course, are an exception to this, as the Faer lack the ability to speak the language of wolves. When not shifted into other animals, the Faer most often take the form of small balls of light. These lights are said to appear in the corner of one's vision and quickly fade away when directly looked at.



Sometimes, a wolf's anam does not go peacefully and enter the cycle of reincarnation upon death. In these instances, the wolf's anam is transformed into a specter. Specters are fearsome creatures that dwell in a space outside the living realm and outside the realm of the deities. They are sometimes vengeful and seek to cause harm to living wolves due to their jealousy and inability to willingly reincarnate as something else. They most often do this by trying to trick a wolf into wandering into dangerous situations, bringing bad luck and misfortune upon them, or otherwise scaring/surprising them.



Because of the belief that a small part of the deity, Caohr, dwells within each wolf, it is tradition to visit the sea or another body of water when seeking counsel with the deities. Wolves will speak to their reflections on the surface of the water, praying for advice or clarity on issues ailing them or simply airing the grievances of the day. Sometimes they receive guidance from the gods and sometimes they don't but, regardless, the experience is said to be therapeutic.  



Tephens believe that, sometimes, Ila, the deity of dreams and travel, allows wolves to share dreams with one another; a phenomenon they call Dreamwalking. Seeing another wolf in one's dreams is to walk with them in the unconscious world of dreams. Dreamwalking with someone is said to strengthen the bond between the participants and ravel their anams together by fate or destiny. Dreamwalking can be a rare occurrence and some wolves seem to have more of an aptitude for it than others but Tephens believe that Dreamwalking is all apart of Ila's plan and it will happen if it is meant to.


》Healing Stones《

Tephens believe that certain shining stones have mystical healing qualities to them. By touching these stones, sleeping with them, offering them as gifts to one another, meditating with them, etc, a wolf can evoke the properties said stones possess. Such stones are a commodity in Tephe but do not hold any value beyond their spiritual uses. As such, the actual value of a particular stone depends on which wolf you ask and at what time in their life. What they feel they need or want, obviously, stands to change and so, then, do the most desirable stones.


Below are a few of the stones known to Tephe and their properties:

  • Quartz: Amplifies one's spiritual energy and boosts the effects of other stones it is used in conjunction with.

  • Chert: Has a calming effect, brings peaceful sleep, and enhances serenity.

  • Jasper: Wards off negative energy and inspires confidence/courage in oneself.

  • Amethyst: Reduces stress, increases one's wisdom and protects one from the ill wishes of others.

  • Topaz: Recharges and revitalizes oneself, restores balance and recenters the mind.

  • Zircon: Can be used to ease the pain of physical ailments such as headaches, stomach cramps, muscle aches, etc.

  • Tourmaline: Brings peace to unresolved feelings, encourages love and compassion, and dismisses emotional pain.


》Pelt Reading《

A method of divination created by one of the pack's oldest members and wise-wolf, Grannie Orla. Following the war against Atolli, many wolves came to stay with Tephe as they recovered from the battle. Orla observed the various markings adorning their pelts and realized that they corresponded to attributes of these wolves' anams. 


Since then, she and the Order of Essence have further developed the theory into the practice of Pelt Reading. For a full guide on Pelt Reading, [click here!]



A term for a young/inexperienced wolf who has not yet 'hardened' their paws with travel and/or experiences. A slang form of the official task of Tenderfoot.

"You're only a softpaw."



An affectionate term for a wolf who is particularly adept in the water/fishing.

"That wolf is such a gillie."


》Little/Big Brother/Sister《

A term of endearment for someone you are close to and regard as family, a mentor/apprentice, or one who is simply big/small.

"Come along, little brother."



A term used to refer to a chosen wolf who blessed a little of pups in the Brining Ceremony. These wolves can be thought of as 'godparents' and most Tephens know who their Briner(s) were.

"They were the Briner for my first litter!"



A term meaning 'mighty', 'strong', or 'powerful.' Can be positive or negative, depending on the context.

"You should watch out for a bríg like them."



Literally 'soul.' The life force which is believed to reside in every living creature.

"Their anam is at peace."



A group of wolves whom all share the same task.

"I saw a grove of Seekers over there."



Literally 'unity.' A term for wolves who are joined in mateship.

"That is their aonachd."



A term for a lively celebration/festival.

"The cóisir begins tonight!"



Literally 'fool.' Used as an insult.

"Don't be such a lúdar!"



A term used to refer to the strange Floppy-Nosed Seals that dwell in Tephe's territory. This can also be used as an insult directed at fellow wolves.

"Look at the size of that Flopper!"


》Don't flop your nose!《

A turn of phrase inspired by the Floppy-Nosed Seals that dwell in Tephe's territory. It essentially means 'don't get worked up/angry-', especially over small/unimportant things.

"Don't flop your nose about it, it's fine!"



An exclamation akin to a curse. Used in surprise, frustration, pain, etc.

"Och, that hurt!"


》Dia duit《

A common greeting.

"Dia duit, my friend."



A common farewell.

"Slán, my friend."


The highest punishment one can receive in Tephe is banishment. An exiled wolf can never be allowed to rejoin Tephe, no matter how repentant they are for their crimes. Banishment is a 'last resort' course of action and, thus, softer disciplinary actions are often chosen in favor. 


A wolf who is being punished for a transgression may have food and drink withheld from them as well as all means of socialization until the end of their time served. Valuable items, such as trinkets and the like, may also be taken from the offending wolf (with the intention to return them if the wolf proves their repentance.)


  •  Battles should never be won by killing. To take a life is a terrible burden and should only be done in the direst of circumstances.

  • Obey the word of those who rank above you but respect all wolves, regardless of position. Do what you must to survive but respect all life, regardless of creature.

  • No wolf has the right to own another wolf or rob another of their freedom.

  • Native Tephens over 6 moons begin their journey in the pack as a Tenderfoot. During this time, they are allowed to try multiple tasks while they are still Omegas and see what they might like to pursue once they officially rank up to Theta.

  • Wolves old enough to begin training as a Theta must select a task and do so as soon as they have found the right one. If injury/illness does not bar you from doing your part, you must contribute to your pack.

  •  Extended journeys outside of pack territory are not allowed to non-Seekers. Seekers may only do this with express permission/request from the Alpha or for very good reason.

  •  Regard outsiders cordially but carefully. Bonds between all the packs are important but your loyalty to Tephe should come first. 

  • Theft or hoarding of resources that are intended to benefit the whole pack is not tolerated.

  • If a non-Tephen wolf expresses interest in joining the pack, they must enter the ranks as a Rookie. Rookies are not considered prisoners and may freely move about the pack but they cannot earn a task until they have completed a probationary period.

  • Rookies must agree to undergo education and therapy before their probationary period is over. They must learn of Tephe's pacifistic ways, and the pack's beliefs and values. They should also seek to heal whatever sorrows or negative emotions they may carry with them. A Vicar is typically in charge of helping the Rookie to work through these things and become in tune with their anam but any wolf who volunteers to support the Rookie is welcome.


Every wolf has their role to play in keeping Tephe functional and prosperous. Tasks/jobs are all seen to be of equal importance and it only matters that you devote yourself to your task and carry it out to the best of your ability.



The leader[s] of the pack. Tasked with watching over all members of the pack and doing their best to ensure the safety and survival of the pack.



Fighters and protectors of the pack. Tasked with chasing off threats, reinforcing borders, and keeping order.



Hunters and gatherers of the pack. Tasked with catching prey and gathering materials to supply the pack.



Scouts and emissaries of the pack. Tasked with patrolling borders and delivering messages across long distances.



Healers of the pack. Tasked with treating injuries/illnesses using natural remedies to the best of their ability.



Storytellers and songswolves. Tasked with regaling the pack with tales of old and strengthening the culture/bond of the pack.



Wolves who speak with the deities. Tasked with leading prayer and acquiring guidance from the deities. 



Pup watchers of the pack. Tasked with looking after the young if/when the parents are busy with tasks or otherwise unavailable.



Elderly wolves who have now retired from their former tasks. Seniors are allowed to live the rest of their days in comfort.



Wolves above 6 moons who are able to begin looking into a task. This is the starter task for wolves born in Tephe.



Pups under 6 moons. The young are adored and beloved by the pack, often viewed as Tephe's most vital resource.



Newcomers to the pack. This is the starter task for wolves who were not born in Tephe and seek to join its ranks.


The ocean is Tephe's most valuable resource when it comes to supplying the pack with food. Tephen Coursers are adept at fishing from both the sea and river but are also well-trained in rustling up prey across the beach. Using their webbed toes and long claws, Tephens can root around between rocks and in tide pools to find shellfish and mollusks for a quick snack. Waterfowl such as gulls, ducks, and other seabirds also make for good catches. The occasional seal or whale carcass has also been known to wash ashore, resulting in bountiful meals that can feed the entire pack for a long while.  


When it comes to land prey, Tephens mostly find smaller catches, little critters such as hares and field rodents, quails and pheasants, minks/weasels, and sometimes snakes and lizards. Occasionally, Coursers do manage to bring down both red deer and black-tailed deer, bighorn sheep, and goats, as well as some straying/migratory bison that wander over from Volaires territory. 


》Small Prey《

Fish, Reptiles, Rodents, Mollusks & Shellfish

Ocean/river fish, small lizards, and snakes, field mice, moles, prairie dogs, minks, weasels, clams, oysters, etc. 


》Medium Prey《

Sheep, Hares, Birds

Bighorn sheep and goats, jackrabbits/hares, waterfowl, quail and pheasants, etc.


》Large Prey《

Deer, Bison, Whales & Seals.

Red deer cows/bulls, bison cows/bulls, beached whales, and seals.


Tephe is a coastal pack. Most of the pack's territory is comprised of large rolling hills/cliffs adorned with towering rock formations and few trees. There are several access points for Tephens to go down to the beach, whether it means navigating the labyrinth-like rocks or finding a dip in the land that levels out. 


The ocean is seen as Tephe's most vital resource and so, wolves spend much of their time on the beach when they can. When the tide is low, the Tephen beaches sport mostly smooth stones with the occasional stretch of sand.


Apart from the beach and Tephen highlands, there are some small forested regions where the pack mostly goes to hunt/forage. Only wolves of certain tasks will spend much time amidst the trees.


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》Significant Locations《

>Main Densite<

The Tephe main densite resides amidst the high stones on the moorland. Wolves both dig dens and use the rock formations and coquina as cover to protect them against the elements. The densite is typically abundant with heather and other wildflowers, as well as tall grass, shrubs, and other foliage.


>Menders' Circle<

An area of the main densite that is enclosed by tall fluffy grass. Nearby is the Menders' Den; a dugout positioned between two large boulders. Ailing wolves will come to the Circle when they are in need of medicine or are requesting the use of healing stones.


>Tephen Keep<

The keep is the den of the alpha. It is comprised of many large, flat stone formations that overlap one another and tower over the other dens. The Chief/Chiefess will typically address the pack from atop these stones in the event of a pack-wide announcement.


>Spectral River<

Bordering one side of the main densite is this small river. Its bed glimmers with shining stones and shells alike, causing its surface to have a pale, hypnotic appearance. It stretches and disappears into the fearsome forest of Somerglen, where its light is swallowed by the canopies above.


>Seekers' Cape<

A little peninsula shrouded with thick plant life that overlooks the rest of the territory. The elevated view is perfect for surveying both the Loch and the Moor from a distance. Typically, the Cape is used as a lookout post. From this perch, only a strong howl is needed to signal the rest of the pack should something go awry.


>Lake of Anams<

What was once a sizeable sinkhole opened in the moor during the Great Flood has become a new lake. Different minerals and materials mixed together, lining the pit with smooth, clay-like walls until the opening had filled with rain and formed the Lake of Anams. The waters here are shallow and calm, making it a good place for young Tephens to practice their swimming and fishing skills early on.


>Tephen Moor<

Rolling stretches of moorland that make up the majority of Tephen territory. There are many little dips and hills across the moor, making it a little treacherous from time to time, as there are often no clear sightlines from down in a valley. The heathland is typically abundant with fragrant plants, tall grass, and plentiful prey. 



One of the forests in Tephe territory. It is much thicker than Ewendell, meaning that it is easier to get lost. This forest tends to stay dimmer throughout the year but, nonetheless, is overgrown with more plant life and trees. The wolves of Tephe often say the place seems to exist in an eternal summer- which they believe is due to the high concentration of Faer in these woods. Wandering Specters are also believed to dwell here. As such, it is not advised to spend much time in Somerglen and to never go alone.


>Oarisn River<

The river connected to the Oarisn Falls. It runs through a good chunk of Tephen territory and can be used to navigate towards or away from the main densite.


>Oarisn Falls<

A large waterfall that bursts from a coastal cliff face and pours into the Loch. It is seen as a 'tether' between the land and sea and is highly revered by Tephens. Coursers will often come here to hunt, catching fish that jump from the rapids much like bears during salmon runs. 


>Mantle of Fangs<

Where the Oarisn River splits further into the territory, the overgrowth parts and reveals a rocky grotto full of pointed stones and willow trees. The sharp rocks make navigating such a place dangerous if one is not careful, though there is definitely good hunting to be had here. Many small creatures make their homes in the nooks and crannies of the earth's fangs.


>Loch Ly<

The main stretch of beach that Tephe calls home. There are extremely high cliffs that overlook the beach and provide a wide-open view of the sea. When the tide is low, wolves can journey down to the coast and walk freely on the beach.


>The Sun Stones<

Large flat rocks that adorn the beach, only visible during low tide. During the warm seasons, Tephens seek out these rocks and join together to sunbathe on them.


>Lucent Cavern<

A seaside cavern down by the Loch. Its walls are made from stone that shines like the sun, moon, stars, and sea all in one. Ripples of light reflect from the puddles scattered about the floor and bounce off the cavern in an aurora of colors. During low tide, the cave is accessible and is a decent spot for Minstrels to practice their songs thanks to the acoustics. 



One of the forests in Tephe territory. It is mostly open, with tall thin trees that do not cover much of the sky overhead. It is usually still very bright and sunny in these woods, with well-trodden pathways lined with moss-covered stones and small bushes.


>The Selcirc<

A semi-circle of mysterious upright stones that lays in the middle of the moor. The wolves of Tephe know nothing of their origin and some are inscribed with carvings and symbols that they do not understand. Because of the otherworldly energy surrounding this place, the pack believes it to be a divine place left by the deities. Typically, only Vicars may journey here and they may not do so lightly.


>The Claw<

A small crescent-shaped island off the coast of Tephe's territory. While it is not officially a part of Tephen claim, it is worth noting that Tephens are likely the only wolves who will ever see these isles, as the only way to reach them is by swimming. During times when the sea is calm, a group of wolves may elect to journey to The Claw and spend a short while there; some Tephens even have 'vacation dens' on the isles.

>Pack Members<


The Chief/Chiefess and their mate[s].

Chief Oleander



Experts in their task, a single wolf chosen by the alpha[s] to represent their task and lead all who work under them. They can be referred to as 'Arch(task)' as a sign of respect. (Ex: Archseeker).

Maeve - Archvicar

Eigel - Archbarbarian

Taegan - Archminstrel



Wolves who are settled in their task and have been carrying it for some time, often acting as mentors/examples for the Thetas.

Vanhi (NPC) - Minstrel

Tobie (NPC) - Seeker

Orla (NPC) - Mender

Elyas (NPC) - Barbarian

Gwysten (NPC) - Vicar

Nala - Mender

Bernice - Barbarian

Yara - Barbarian

Dusty - Minstrel

Mable - Mender​



Graduates who have finished training but are still considered novices in their task.

Larkspur - Seeker

Twyla - Vicar



Trainees who have recently begun their task and are still learning how to carry it out.

Tovarisch - Courser

Elio - Sitter

Bowen - Sitter



New wolves, retired wolves, wolves who are too young for tasks, and wolves who haven't officially taken a task yet.

Thisbe - Rookie

Mara - Rookie

Blainn - Rookie

Pandora - Tenderfoot

Kieron - Tenderfoot

Lonan - Tenderfoot

Delores - Bairn

Diego - Bairn

Luis - Bairn

Swansea - Bairn

Karsa - Bairn

Jacky - Bairn

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