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"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face and rise."


☼ Spotify Playlist ☼

Volaires is a pack well-known for its sophistication, its power, and for its founding of time. From its art guild, to its cave of knowledge, to its army, Volaires are large in number and acclaimed for having some of the best talents. However, as refined as they seem, they can be brutal and extremely petty. 


Wolves who desire to hone their skills or craft to a master’s level will be able to achieve that dream in Volaires. The pack, due to a deep-rooted belief that they are essentially the best, pushes each other harshly to reach expectations of excellence. Therefore, many competitions and battles are given to help wolves achieve their goals for the betterment of the pack.  

Wolves who are viewed as lazy or desire an easy life will not find that here.


Lastly, Volaires is ruled by an aristocracy. Therefore, power resides in the King, the royal family, and those who are deemed worthy of the title of Noble. This structure has led to many civil wars, but it has also led to the survival of Volaires and a name renowned and feared by other packs. As a consequence of this aristocratic structure, family ties and titles equal respect and power. However, the aristocracy recognizes that family names don’t necessarily mean excellence. Therefore, a wolf with no ties has the potential to make a name for themself.


In essence, those who seek glory, fame, power, or even enlightenment, will find Volaires to be their home.


With living in the plains, Volairian wolves have to be able to run long distances for food and be strong enough to take down large prey, like bison and deer. Therefore, wolves in Volaires tend to be quite tall, toned, and long-legged. Their fur comes in a variety of colors, but warm colors are the most common with a sprinkling of blacks and grays. In addition to the coloration, Volairian coats tend to be light and flowing in the hot times of the year and dense and thick in the frigid months.


Similar to the history of Tephe and Namün, Volaires originated in a land past. They were all a singular entity with each other and lived well as one for a time. However, Caohr’s creation of the Pantheon began to affect wolfkind and contention with each other started to grow due to conflicted beliefs and cultures. Receiving a prophecy from the Gods, the wolves Caohr created began searching for the prophesied enigma, "The Opened Way."


Eventually, the mystery of the prophecy was unraveled and they crossed the sealand to arrive in a new land. However, the contentions which had started amongst the large pack before the prophecy had only continued to worsen. At their arrival, the large pack of wolves looked upon each other and came to the decision that they could no longer live together as they once had. And so the pack divided into three groups; Tephe, Namün, and Volaires.


One pack, who believed that Caohr had given them the largest portions of his soul, settled in the grasslands to found their new home, which neared "The Opened Way." The area seemed rich with resources and they believed it would provide what they needed, as well as maintain a close relationship with Caohr and their roots. However, summer soon came to their chosen land and the heat was something out of legend. 


Wolves dropped like flies that summer, leaving only those who were strong enough to survive the conditions. For the wolves, they believed this was a purging process from Vora as only the purest and chosen vessels of Vora and Caohr could survive. A wolf did indeed find that watching the process of stones casting shadows helped in picking the right periods of the day to hunt down prey with minimal heat exhaustion and high reward. Thus, the concept of time was created. This revelation led the surviving wolves to believe that they were chosen and the wise wolf who had discovered the wisdom of time, the purest wolf of them all.


Many generations passed and a system of aristocratic rule was placed, with the wise wolf’s posterity set at its pinnacle. This way of governing worked well for a time, but corruption crept in. Wolves who were of lower class were treated unfairly, regarded like slaves, and suffered at the paws of those in power. And soon, whispers of a civil war crept in. Eventually, those whispers took fruition and the Volaires pack became one with a history of revolutions. Throughout those revolutions however, the wise wolf’s posterity remained in rule.


It is important to note though, that though there have been revolutions, there has also been war. Specifically, with the pack of Namün. With their core beliefs being so drastically different, tensions and ill feelings have been ever present between the two packs since the division. However, Namün took action against them one day and as a result, Volaires exercised their great might, nearly ending the existence of their neighboring pack. 


At the time, the ruler of Volaires was Queen Zymera. She was well known amongst her pack for her strict rule and heavy paw. She was a seasoned warrior, had earned the title of Flamesoul, and this battleworn ruler exercised her power like a battle itself. Zymera was quick to anger and even faster to give out punishments if she felt that someone was out of line. As a result of her mindset, the pack flourished greatly with food being abundantly stored, pups born healthy, and a robust pack. However, the way she governed did create a small amount of animosity in the lower class. Despite knowing this, she did not fret over it. Why worry about those who were way beneath one’s station and provided so little to the pack anyways?


This negligence and short sight would soon come to haunt her as a group of Namünen wolves had infiltrated the pack’s lowest-ranking members unbeknownst to her. These wolves in sheep’s clothing gave comfort and mutinous advice to those who were disgruntled. They orchestrated more conflict between the upper and lower ranks from their hidden shadows. They fanned the sparks of revolution.


One wolf in particular was heavily worked upon by these Namünen wolves, who later became known as “The Wandering Renegades.” The unfortunate victim’s name was Lord Enzo. Enzo was a passionate wolf, something any Volairin admired, but he was not bright and could be easily molded. The renegade saw this and quickly formed him into the leader they needed to gather the other disgruntled wolves in the pack. They fed destructive ideologies and anxious worries to Enzo and had him believe that Zymera’s rule was too harsh and it would lead to the ultimate downfall of the pack. Therefore, Enzo decided to gather his fellow packmates, who had also been fed the renegades’ agenda, and plan a secret coup d'etat. 


On the foretold day of the coup d'etat, as Enzo and his gang rushed the Chateau, they were surprised to find no one there. As they turned, there stood their Queen and her army of Volíel. In that instant, Enzo knew he had been betrayed. However, unlike what was to be expected, which was a bloodbath, Queen Zymera paused her army. Her informant had discovered something interesting. Spies from Namün had infiltrated her pack. She asked Lord Enzo to give up these abhorrent wolves, and sadly, he refused. He didn’t know they were from Namün. He assumed they were of the pack. So with a great cry, he surged.


Battle ensued and blood was shed; however, the army was told to spare the Volairians and kill the Namünen wolves. Unfortunately, the slippery spies escaped in the fray and Queen Zymera was left to deliver deaths and harsh sentencing to those who still lived amongst her own. After internal fires were put out. Zymera gathered Vora’s righteous and holy knights and stormed onto Namünen lands. They had broken the sacred code of Caohr and almost succeeded in greatly damaging Volaires. There was anger in her heart and revenge to be enacted.


They roared on to Namün territory and decimated their enemy. Many surprises awaited them. Traps, mazes, and other crafty inventions; however, it was not enough to stop Vora’s righteous vengeance. Eventually, after much bloodshed, it was obvious that Volaires had won. Queen Zymera then, feeling that justice had been served, left Namün to lick their wounds. A merciful move to prove a powerful point.


Years passed and Volaires flourished once more with little to no conflict. However, one day a Volíel came racing to their aging Queen saying an outrider from Namün wished to speak to her. Wary of this, she sent her most trusted nobles and after some back and forth and some surprising news, Queen Zymera agreed to let Namünen wolves enter the territory.


Once the war criminals were punished before her and other nobles, a truce was made and Volaires allowed them to return with their traitorous fallen. Since this day, Volaires has kept the peace with their neighbor; however, they regularly watch Namün territory from afar. Waiting to see if they will break their promise. Waiting to see if they can crush them. Catch me once. Shame on me. Catch me twice…Utter vengeance on them.


Since then, revolutions have happened here and there in Volaires history. However, for a couple of generations now, peace has reigned and the revolutions have ceased. However, a battle did break out between the lower class and those of higher rank most recently. Surprisingly, many wolves, even amongst the low, choose to fight alongside their royalty. Therefore, those who had come in opposition to the throne were squashed quickly. Despite the quick dissolvement of the disgruntled, damage was still done to the pack’s morale and the Volaires lost their reigning King. Thus, Crowned Prince Thereus, Son of Canus came into power and is now currently hailed as King.

King Thereus, seeing the devastation of the battle and feeling it firsthand, decided some changes were needed. He has since ruled that the lowest ranking wolves are to be treated like slaves no longer. King Thereus also created the title of Champion, a role that comes with great prestige. And lastly, that the ability to earn the title of Champion can be achieved from any rank, whether inferí or noblesse (excluding new outsider members). So far, the changes have been well received, but who knows. Time will tell.


Volaries value many attributes, but the aspect of a wolf that often matters most is lineage, wealth, and status. Who they hail from determines ties and connections. Oftentimes, this comes with more or less access to wealth which is a convenient and helpful way to gain power or other riches. And status. A wolf must be able to contribute and show they are worthy of being called a Volairian. If a wolf is lackadaisical, whimsy, or idle, they are seen negatively. Therefore, the core of what Volairians value is that drive to overcome trials and to stretch one's limit believing it to be the best indication of a wolf’s purity of soul. This principle is at the heart of their culture.


☼ Births ☼

[Celebrated by all members & are given a gift from the King.]

The arrival of new pups in the pack is celebrated with great joy from all members, even the Noblesse. Typically, the King will give the children each a sunstone, symbolizing their birth as a source of light from Vora to the pack. This is because new birth signifies success as a pack that they are continuing to flourish even in a harsh land. Pups are also seen as the purest and most innocent of souls since their spirit only just recently departed from Caohr; therefore, it is common practice for the parents to lift their child to the sun as soon as possible, to seek Vora’s warmth and receive their blessing.


☼ Sunbeams ☼

[Education for the young.]

After pups have been weaned, it is expected for the parents to return to their tasks serving the pack. At this point, pups are then placed in a class called "Sunbeams" during the day. This class is a daycare and school. During childhood, pups are taught by Savants and Lueurs. They are given history and religious lessons, all the arts education, and opportunities to go on field trips. Sometimes, they work on crafts or are taught by the King himself. The purpose of Sunbeams is to spark flames of passion for their interests, as well as a deep love for their pack and King.


☼ Sun Phases ☼

[Superstitious Birth Time Meaning.]

Sun Phase meanings operate as a superstitious belief that runs through Volaires. What phase or time of the sun a pup is born is believed to be a precursor to who they are in the future. Some members take this very seriously, while others do not. 

Due to the pack’s affinity with the sun, pups born during the night are not seen as well as those born during daylight hours. Therefore, some mothers take a special concoction of herbs to suppress labor until morning. Sadly, the side effect of taking it lowers the survival rate of the pups during delivery. This trend is dying out, but it is still a common practice within the Noblesse. Regardless of the time a pup is born though, the pups are still celebrated and the pack is happy to have them.


Awakened Sun -The Philosopher (Dawn): Intellectual, contemplative, aloof, slow to act 

Rising Sun -The Adventurer (Morning): Courageous, clever, adaptive, fickle, thoughtless

Crowning Sun -The Ruler (Noon): Ambitious, powerful, diplomatic, reckless, cold

Falling Sun -The Elder (Afternoon): Wise, nurturing, loyal, judgemental, hidebound

Twilight Sun -The Romantic (Dusk): Passionate, creative, intuitive, vulnerable, indulgent


Hollow Sun -The Watcher (Any Partial Moon): Greedy, lurker, fanatical, skillful, resourceful

Trick Sun -The Shaman (Full Moon): Egocentric, false, willful, astute, playful

Deserting Sun -The Grim (New Moon): Weak, secretive, dull, methodical, iconoclastic


☼ Lineage ☼

[Ancestry & Family Titles Matter.]

Many wolves in Volaires are descendants from one of these four historically rich & notable family names: 


Lumière, Boier, Déglaux, & Eternelle. 


However, few are able to claim the notoriety of the name they bear until they themselves have earned it by being recognized in their role. Some wolves can even be adopted into the families or awarded it. Anyway, each family name is associated with certain traits. Lumière members are thought to be clever and quick. The Boier family is strong like unto stones and steadfast. Déglaux are flexible like the water and are passionate beings. And the Eternelle are perceived to be wise and gallant. 


These family names fluctuate in power within the pack and depending on whose family has the most sway, they are given more trécieu.


☼ Marriage ☼

[Guardian Approval & Dowry.]

When a couple decides to enter into marriage, it is required that each wolf gets approval from the other’s guardian or close friend if no family is within the pack. When approval is granted, a marriage ceremony is held by the King and the highest-ranking Heraldí. At the ceremony, each wolf’s guardian/close friend is expected to give a dowry to the other, symbolizing the new connection that is about to be created between the families involved. Therefore, it is not uncommon for wolf families to push one of their offspring to marry someone whose guardian is a higher rank. Once the ceremony is performed, the couple goes down to the Lyceum to mark their marriage on the walls with a paw/family symbol.


Fun Fact: Noblesse traditionally only marry nobles so the bloodline of the royalty is of the best. Therefore, those who seek power often try to achieve status as a noble themselves because a noble who marries a royal will then be considered noblesse, the ultimate rank.


☼ Lueurs ☼


Those who have lived long with honor and can no longer serve the pack in their respective role due to reasons on a case-by-case basis, are given the great honor to become a Lueurs, or a Beacon of Vora, by a Savant Noble. Lueurs are in charge of the education and monitoring of pups while parents provide for their families and the pack. Lueurs hold small lessons, take the young pups on small field trips within the territory, and provide opportunities for the young to dabble in the arts. However, being a Lueur is a title of honor and one given only by a Savant Noble. Therefore, if a wolf is unable to work in any capacity, they are cared for by their families and are given no role.


☼ Death ☼

[Day of condolences followed by a procession & long howling.]

If a wolf has passed away honorably in the eyes of the pack and their King, the entire pack will come to mourn. The family will stand vigil outside their home and each member will come to give their condolences and last goodbyes starting at dawn. From a set or two before sundown, the family/close friends of the deceased will then carry the departed to their grave with the pack following behind. The procession is called “Chemin l’Caohr” (Path to Caohr). After the wolf is laid to rest, the entire pack will howl three times to Vora and leave the family to themselves. What’s left of the daylight, the family of the departed will howl to Vora until the sun has fully set. Then finally, the family will leave a sunstone on their grave and depart.


☼ Trécieu ☼

[Treasure or wealth from Caohr.]

Trécieu are precious stones, paints, furs, and other accessories which Volaires associate with wealth. All of these are highly valued and either found, earned, or passed down. The more trécieu one has, the better their status is within the pack. Trécieu is usually used to decorate the inside of the den and is used as something to barter within the pack for goods and other things. Typically, rank also determines one's ability to gain and inherit trécieu. The higher your rank, the more trécieu you can gain.


☼ Markings ☼

[Distinguishing of Rank.]

Rank is extremely important in Volaires. It dictates power, prestige, abilities, wealth, and respect. Markings, painted either by oneself or a pioures, makes it easy for other pack members to identify a wolf’s rank at a glance. It is not required to wear the mark at all times, but many do. The markings of the ranks are shown here and can be any color (except highly saturated/neon). These marks are typically worn on the center of the head.


☼ King's Wisdom ☼

[Dispute Hearing.]

Every week at a set time, the King will listen to interpack disputes from any member of the pack and bestow his wisdom or approval of skirmishes desired in the Crimson Arena.


☼ Flamesoul ☼

[An earned title of honor & prestige.]

A title given to those who chase after the flames in a lightning storm till the bitter end. It is said that whoever can last until the fire is out from a lightning strike has absorbed the "soul" of fire from Inja. Those that do will have increased strength and battle prowess. Not many can earn the title, but many try. 


☼ March of the Buffalo ☼

[Ritual & celebration of gratitude for the buffalo.]

Buffalo are a crucial aspect in the survival of the pack. They provide large amounts of food, warm fur, and bones that are used for various aspects within Volaires and abroad. Because of the valuable resources provided by the large beasts, Volaires perform songs of gratitude and prayers of continued fertility for the bison. Three of the four artiae careers are heavily involved in the ritual and celebration. Songs, done with hollowed-out bison horns or bone by lydians, are performed along with dances by the daiseurs with the decorative make-up help from the piores. During these performances, usually, a bison is caught and feasted upon, creating a celebratory feeling to the event. At the end of the feast, a march is conducted where every cuilsseur is given a bone from the killed buffalo. The skull being at the front and worn by the best cuilleseur of the season is then marched around the pack with the other cuilsseurs mimicking the running of the buffalo herd. Heraldí then lead a steady beat of howls from the pack in an effort to have Hithar and Vora work together to grant them good health. 


☼ Oaris' Plea ☼

[A ritual to summon rain.]

With living in the plains, water can be difficult to find during the summer months as the heat and the sun dry up river beds. Therefore, daiseurs and lydians work together to try and plead to Oaris to let rain fall and fill up the rivers so they may survive the trial of sun brought by Vora. Heraldí then gather prairie flowers & white stones to place them in the center of Vora’s Guidance as an offering to Vora to allow for the rain to come and fill the Gilded Creek.


>Holidays & Festivals<


☼ Parade of the Misfits ☼

[A day where rank is of no object, wolves enthusiastically paint themselves & a large feast is held.]

This holiday stems from secret gatherings held by the lower class, where wolves dressed as and impersonated Nobles during revolutionary times to keep their spirits up. Now, the higher class allows them to celebrate this openly and some of the upper echelons even participate!


☼ King's Day ☼

[Celebration from the King.]

Once a year, the King puts out a large feast for the pack to enjoy. Usually, the Noblesse family will go out together and hunt one large prey to bring back. The pack will then feast first while the King and his family eat last, a remembrance that a King’s ultimate pleasure and duty is to his pack. 


☼ Vora's Celebration ☼


All wolves will take a break from their work. Many all attempt to make small sundials in honor of Vora’s guidance over time. This break is seen as a deserved rest for their efforts and progress over the year. It is not uncommon for individual families to feast together that day, reminiscing on their family heritage, and members to come and bellow the time with the Time Howlers.


☼ Meadow of Songs ☼

[Music festival.]

In Song Moon, a competition is held by the art guild for all of the Lydian Artiaes for the entire pack to enjoy during the cold months. A theme is chosen at the start of the moon for all Lydians to rehearse whether as soloists, duets, etc. The best Lydian(s), determined by the art guild masters and King, will be given a trécieu of great value at the end of the moon.


☼ Inja's Tournament ☼

[Battle championship.]

Battles and small competitions in the Crimson Arena are common practice in Volaires; however, the largest and most popular event of the year is this tournament. Any wolf can participate and the winner of the fights is given the title of "Champion" until defeated in a battle. During this tourney, large bets are placed, food is given/sold in abundance, and the Arena is full of viewers applauding and booing for their favorite competitors.


☼ Sundown Battles ☼

[Tournament for Battaliants.]

These battles are specifically for battaliants. No blood is typically shed in these battles, but the swiftness and cleverness of taking down your opponent are what is judged here. The smartest, elegant, and fastest battaliant is the winner and given a trécieu of great value at the end along with other social perks.


☼ Gala of a Hundred Colors ☼

[Make-Up contest.]

Pioures will gather as many flowers as they can and paint masterpieces on whatever canvas they choose. The theme and color palette is determined by the guild master and the winner of the event is also given a trécieu of great value. The best pioures will be given the honor of painting the royal family for the next grand event.


☼ Usyn's Grace ☼

[Dance competition.]

Similar to the Gala, Usyn’s Grace will have a chosen theme for the competition by the guild master, and just like music festival, daiseurs may choose to do this as a solo, duet, trio, etc. The winner of the dance will be awarded a trécieu that can be incorporated for dances in the future and the accompanying lydian will be given an equally valuable trécieu.


☼ Day of Worlds ☼

[Poem reading.]

The oral and "written" tradition is not something to look over lightly. Words can give rise to powerful emotions, crush dreams like they are nothing, and even determine the fate of the pack at times. During this festival, Savants are expected to weave words into magical tapestries that inspire wolves to do something, whether that's reflection, action,  "journey", etc.  At the start of the day, all Savants will be introduced by a Savant Noble to the entire pack. After that, each Savant will then tell their story, poem, etc by themselves and the pack is free to listen or go at their leisure. The Savant who manages to gather the largest audience will be determined as the best Savant and given a trécieu.


☼ Talent Trials ☼

[Children's talent show.]

Children are the future of Volaires and so a chance for them to showcase their talents and abilities is held in the Talent Trials. The event does have a competitive element. The child with the most impressive talent, the most unique talent, and the cutest talent are the three categories that are given a higher value trécieu. These are all judged by the reigning monarch. All participants; however, do receive a common item as thanks for being brave and showing the pack their talent.


☼ Sombrelir ☼

[Children's Halloween.]

During Frost Moon, when Dhilir's reign starts to become strong, the children gather and dress up/paint themselves as local animals, plants, or famous Volarian wolves. They then go around from den to den, asking each den site for trécieu. They typically say the following, "Dhilir’s blight or Vora’s light?" This is in reference to the pack's dislike for Dhilir. Nights on the great plains are often cold and can be harsh, especially during this time of the year. Therefore, in an attempt to help the young cope with the incoming freezing temperatures, they are given a common trécieu, occasionally an uncommon, to help bolster their spirits.

>Beliefs & Practices<

☼ Volaires Origin Story ☼

It is believed Vora looked upon wolfkind for many years, looking for a wolf whose soul was as pure as the sun itself. However, they could not find anyone. They were hopeful that the splitting of the old world pack would bring about a time of purer souls. Vora watched a particularly promising group of wolves enter the grasslands. They watched them for a time, hoping to find what they were looking for, and were once again met with disappointment. Frustrated, Vora began to shine bright and burn the wolves who had not the capacity to hold Caohr’s pure soul. 


The wolves in the grasslands struggled greatly in the unprecedented heat. Many would attempt to hunt, but the intense temperatures made it impossible to catch anything substantial. Water was scarce, prey was difficult to catch, and wolves began dying left and right. One day, a wise wolf who had been watching the sun, Vora, in an attempt to learn why they were being cursed, gazed upon the large stones that surrounded them. As they watched for several weeks, they began to notice a pattern. During certain points of the shadow's trajectory, wolves were able to catch food and at other times not. The wise wolf, realizing this blessing, howled in gratitude. Vora had given them the knowledge of what the wolf had decided to call "time."


Vora gazed back down at the wise wolf. And what they saw delighted them. They had found what they had been looking for. The souls of the wise wolf and their packmates who had survived shone bright in the intense rays of the sun. Vora smiled. This was the way to create souls who burned brightest. Only those who could endure their severe light in this new land could survive. For purity of soul was required.


Since then, Vora, the sun, continues to shine down bright and strong upon them regularly, granting them the blessing of time to continue the process of refining their souls.


☼ The Menelia Tree ☼

Long ago when the packs were as one, a pair of wolves fell in love. It is said that there was no greater love than what these two shared. Some even say their hearts beat together as if they were one. However, as pack contentions grew in the old land, the two lovers were forced to split with each other publically. Undeterred by this, the couple continued to meet in secret and met by an ancient tree, deep within the old lands.


Sadly, their secret could not stay hidden forever and they were found out by one of the wolves' pack. A ruse was set up and one night, while one lover waited at home, thinking that their meeting time was later, the other sat waiting by the old tree and was killed. When the remaining lover found out about the miscommunication, it was too late.


Overcome with grief, the surviving wolf spent weeks by themselves at the ancient tree before the pack convinced them to come home. On their return, it was revealed to them that everyone was leaving for the "opened way." Unwilling to leave the one connection left to their companion and as an act of passion, the wolf took a young seedling from the tree and cared for it across their long journey. Many believed that the wolf was foolish and the small tree would not be able to survive the trek, but the widowed wolf was determined, and, to the surprise of everyone, the seedling withstood the journey.


As time passed, the still mourning wolf tended to the young sapling. Some wolves saw their devotion as a ridiculous waste of time and some saw it as a passionate symbol of love for their old home. Those who saw the bereaved dedication in a positive light helped them attend to the tree. With this, the tree grew and became tall and strong


Then one fateful night, a fierce storm came over the pack's new home. Lightning struck near the Volaire's home and fires erupted everywhere. The pack needed a place of protection and the only source available amongst the fire was the young, old-world tree on the hill. As they stood trembling in fear of the new world's wrath, a bolt of lightning descended from the skies and aimed itself at the tree. The pack braced for death, but instead, a bright flash of light burst forth. The tree intervened, protecting them all from the lightning strike.


After the fiery night, opinions of the tree and the widowed wolf changed. As a remembrance and honor to the couple, the tree was given the name Menelia (Men-ah-lee-ah), after the deceased spouse. From then on, the tree has been the place where marriage ceremonies are held and a beloved reminder of how passion and endurance in the face of adversity can overcome the trials of time.


Below are the four Gods most worshipped in Volaires


☼ Caohr ☼

Caohr is celebrated as a parental figure to the Volaries, given they are the creator of wolfkind and they believe that they, specifically, are the superior wolf compared to others because they were given a purer and larger soul of Caohr than others. The Volaries also put great effort into their arts and skills as well, believing that the best way to gain Caohr’s approval and to return back as a wolf in Volaries is to hone your talents to be the best.


☼ Vora ☼

Vora is the main deity figure worshipped in the Volaires pack and is also the noblesse’s personal deity. It is believed that the current noblesse line descends from the wise wolf told in their origin story and Vora was purifying them all to be the best wolves of Caohr by ridding the pack of those too weak and impure to survive in the harsh sun. Therefore, the way many Volaires wolves are taught is in an intense and unforgiving way. If you can burn bright enough, you will survive. 


Through Vora, the concept of time was also given to wolfkind, and specifically to the Volaires. The Volaires then regularly check the sundial for the time and inform them about how and when to go about their day.


☼ Hithar ☼

As the deity of earth, Cuilsseur pray to this God during expeditions and use specific rites when killing prey. The environment, Hithar’s ward, is rich and abundant with life, but it also has its dangers. So Cuilsseur pray for protection and blessing to walk across and hunt in their lands. It is also said that if one doesn’t give thanks to Hithar for the bounty they have been given, one may end up paying for it with their own life. Such is the fickle nature of Hithar.


☼ Inja ☼

Inja is primarily worshipped by those who often use physical prowess. In Volaires, physical battle, whether in the arena or in the field, is a very important part of the culture. War can also be internal or external. Having the passion and ability to overcome those trials is a trait highly valued in the pack. For how can one be the best if they do not push themselves to be the best? Therefore, it is not uncommon for packmates to pray to Inja for the strength to soldier on and conquer their demons, whether real or not.


☼ Vora, Our Light ☼

[Seasons Story.]

Long ago, when the world was still young, Caohr had created seasons to beautify and replenish the world. Vora was excited to see the world reach its full potential with these new Gods and to watch over them. However, one of the new gods, Phidite, was unable to compete with the power of the other seasonal Gods; Ena, Qhana, & Kheos. Vora saw this struggle and saw the effect it had on the life below. The world was sweltering hot and life was struggling to flourish. It needed Phidite.

Vora tried to encourage Phidite to continue to persevere through their struggles. Their power would emerge and the land would be grateful for the reprieve. Vora then took aside the other seasonal Gods. Vora attempted to explain how the full and pure potential of the world Caohr created was not able to happen because of the imbalance of powers between them and Phidite. The other Gods were reluctant to give way to Phidite. They enjoyed the greater time to rule and govern the lands. Vora, seeing that Ena, Qhana, & Kheos were averse to the idea, also explained that if they would not let lessen their hold, that Vora would withhold their power from them, which was a lot since all seasons held some dependence on Vora's life giving light.

Finally, they agreed, and Phidite was able to come into their own. However, seeing the pleasing gratitude of the world, Phidite became overcome with greed. They began to engulf the other God’s seasons slowly. Taking more and more time away until the world Vora had been excited to watch over was nothing but great monoliths of ice and blistering blizzards.


The denizens of Caohr’s world began to plead to Phidite to relinquish their grasp upon the world, but Phidite ignored them. Power and control had bewitched them. They did not wish to dispense with their hard-earned dominion. Vora, seeing that their good deed had done great harm, secretly went to Inja, the God of Fire, and asked them to lend Vora strength to quietly overcome Phidite. Inja agreed since the creations of Caohr were slowly losing their passion for life and it saddened them greatly.


Eventually, Vora overcame Phidite with the help of Inja and the world of ice became no more. Phidite had been put away and the earth had returned to its intended glory. Inja and Vora celebrated their victory with long days of light and warmth. However, this was not to be for long; for soon, Phidite escaped their prison and robbed Vora of the warmth of their power. Winter came back and the snow and ice returned. Vora shivered as it barely shined upon the land, weakened by the ambush. Someone had aided in Phidite's return and betrayed Vora. They could only now shine coldly upon the land, only to watch and be unable to warm.


Eventually, the wolves of Caohr noticed the diminishing food and prolonged cold. Worried, they brought their woes to Vora seeking aid. But upon seeing Vora in such a weakened state, the wolves of Caohr started to howl in encouragement to Vora: "Arise, oh light. Illuminate our path to bring us life and victory over a cold death." Seeing their determination to live through the cold, their purity of heart to strengthen and aid a fallen God, and their desire to win over life’s difficulties enlivened Vora. Very quickly, Vora was able to break the shackles of Phidite’s cold embrace and return to their former glory and shine upon the world once more. The wolves, Vora and Inja, along with the other seasonal Gods, rejoiced at Vora’s victory in sending Phidite back into slumber once again.

However, Vora was never the same after the betrayal. Because of the prolonged deprivation of their power, Vora’s strength is no longer what it once was. Now, every year, Vora’s power wanes for a short time and Phidite comes to reign. Volairians, believing their passion for life and zeal is what reignites Vora to awaken, take time during the cold season to take extra care of their prayers to Vora, hoping it strengthens them to return. 


It is said that the gods who betrayed Vora are a close entity to them. So they wait, hoping to exact vengeance for Vora so they can come back to their former glory, as Caohr intended.  


☼ Coronation ☼

[Ceremony of New Leadership.]

The coronation of a King or Queen is a momentous occasion. It is a solemn event followed by a celebration of great magnitude. The actual coronation starts right before the sun rises deep within the Château and is held private. Only the noblesse family and nobles with their respective partners may attend. After this, the newly anointed monarch will come out onto the balcony of the Château right when the sun touches it. Then all of the Heraldí, who are waiting on the sides, will howl twelve times at the sun, heralding the time of the new "sun." 


The rest of the pack follows with their own applause and a grand feast is held. Dancing, singing, fights, and poems for the new sovereign are performed and the celebration lasts all day. At high noon, the monarch will then be expected to present their own artwork for Vora and the pack (song, fight, dance, words, or paint). After this performance, the pack will then howl with their own acceptance of the gift and to help the new ruler ensure the successful sending of their work to Vora


The celebration continues till sunset, at which the monarch will receive gifts from his pack and bestow each member a blessing of wisdom and time with a mark from his paw. At the end, to signify the end of the celebration, the Heraldí will howl twelve times and the pack will be expected to go to bed while the new sovereign watches over them all night as his first duty.


☼ Time Howlers ☼

[Time Tellers.]

Heraldí whose duty is to watch the Vora’s Guidance and dictate time for the pack. They howl the time every set on the set as the light permits. The time must be kept at all sets so there are day and night time shifts for Heraldí.


☼ Vora's Judgement ☼

[Religious Rite of Passage.]

Wolves who desire to be a part of the religious sect of the pack are required, after some basic training, to stare at the sun, unblinking, for 10 counts. If a wolf comes away unscathed in their eyesight, they are deemed worthy to continue forward in training. If a wolf doesn’t, then it is concluded that a trial is needed and the failed wolf goes to find a sun token, determined by their superiors, to prove they are able to continue.


☼ Aeromancy ☼

[Cloud Scrying.]

Heraldí, because of the long time spent looking at the sky, are able to be weather oracles. They can predict the weather and believe they can read the messages of Vora, and other deities, through the clouds. This skill takes great practice and knowledge. To pass as a Heraldí, well versed in Aeromancy, a wolf must predict the weather for the next day correctly for a whole moon cycle. Plus, they must give divinations to the noble and are tested on various sign readings. The secrets of this are held tightly, but a few are well-known amongst the pack.


West winds are a sign of something arriving. Easterly winds are seen as the end or push for change. Northerly winds are usually associated with wealth and incoming prosperity. And southern winds are signs of great hardship, but great growth. There are others, but again, these teachings are held tightly as the Heraldí believe that the word of Vora and others could be used for wrongdoing or be misinterpreted.


☼ The Howls of Time ☼

[Daily Prayer.]

Three times a day, all Volairian wolves are expected to stop and pray, so long as they are safe and able to do so. 


The first is when the sun has risen. Time Howlers will come together and hold one long howl together, signaling the awakening of Vora. At this time, all pack wolves are expected to either rise or stop what they are doing to look towards the east and bow their heads while chanting the following:


 "V’ejoux la Lumière de Vora pour guider nos pas avec le but." (We welcome Vora's Light to guide our steps with purpose.) 


The second prayer is when the sun has reached its peak. Time howlers will gather and howl loudly together two times in an attempt to signal to other Volarians within the territory to pray. As the howl is heard, it is expected that each wolf sits, faces toward the sun in the sky, with eyes closed, and pray to Vora. The prayers can be whatever you wish, so long as it is directed towards Vora's embrace.


The final prayer is spoken at dusk. Again, time howlers will howl together once more, two short and one long. This time, Volairian wolves are expected to lay down, looking to the west towards Vora's descent, and cry a singular howl. Then the following is repeated:

"V’lieu la lumière de Vora. Que nos âmes brillent plus fort demain." (Farwell, the Light of Vora. May our souls burn brighter tomorrow.)


☼  Apotheosis of Vora ☼

[Summer Solstice.]

On the day where the sun rules longest, the pack celebrates the peak of Vora’s power believing that the day Vora expressed their love for Volaires with an increased time of sunlight to commemorate the passing of their trial. Heraldí, on this day, will lead the pack in cleaning Vora’s Guidance by making sure the rocks are shimmering, the weeds gone, and the grass short to better tell the time. At noon, each wolf will bring their sunstone from birth to Vora’s Guidance and let the stone soak in their power and thereby bring purity to their own soul. During this time, it is expected each wolf will come to Vora’s Guidance and hear a Savant tell the origin story of the pack, followed by a worship and prayer by the Heraldí.


☼  Awakening of the Sun ☼

[Winter Solstice.]

Winter is a hard season for Volaires because the land turns frigid, brutal, and cold. Volaires believe this is due to the sun losing its power to the moon. Therefore, when Vora is at their weakest, all of the Heraldí become time howlers and howl together to awaken Vora once more. At dusk, the reigning monarch comes to their outlook and howls on their own to Vora, the pack bowing beneath them, offering strength to their sovereign as they attempt to reinvigorate Vora once more.


☼ V'ejoux ☼



☼ V'lieu☼

Farewell or Goodbye.


☼ Le bêton ☼

Expression of surprise, literally meaning "the bison!"

"Oh, le bêton!"


☼ Bêdun ☼

Expression of frustration, literally meaning "cow poop."

"Ah, bêdun!"


☼ Illbast ☼

Literally meaning "bastard."

"You illbast!"


☼ Veauté ☼

An expression of beauty.

"What a  veauté."


☼ Exvolê ☼

A term used for a job well done.

"Exvolê! That was magnificent!"


☼ Parette ☼

A word used to describe laziness.

"Parette! Get up! Time waits for no wolf."


☼ Brû lumen, brû viten, brû elen ☼

Translates to "burn brighter, run faster, leap higher"; a term of encouragement or good wishes.

"Brû lumen, brû viten, brû elen. May your travels be safe."


☼ Dhilirium ☼

A term used to describe someone who is acting erratic and odd.

"They're kind of dhilirium. You better watch out for them."


The laws of the Volaires are ones everybody, from the highest authority down to the lowest, are expected to follow. If anybody decides to ignore these rules, the punishment is, oddly, primal and violent. Rank and image are highly valued amongst the pack so almost any form of physical mutilation or demotion in status is greatly abhorred and feared.


Branding is a typical way for those who have broken the law and/or lost status to be easily recognized. The wolf that administers the brandings is usually a knight of the Volíel order.


☼ Laws ☼

  • Obey & respect the ranks above you.

  • Any desired fights due to personal conflict must be approved by the King and held in the arena.

  • Killing another wolf is a high offense. Only the King, through the proper channels, may deliver death.

  • Extended exploration for anyone, other than Legates with express permission from the King, is prohibited. 

  • Your loyalty lies with your King and your pack. Therefore, regard strangers with suspicion and caution.

  • No wolf shall steal food or herb from the Holding. And stealing precious stones from another’s den is also prohibited.

  • Defiling or destroying any of the pack’s treasures, like the sundial or Lyceum, is grounds for severe punishment.


☼ Punishments* ☼

  • Severe: Killed by Beheading or Banishment w/ 'X' scar on the forehead

  • Moderately Severe: Dissolution of Status

  • Moderate: Battle in the Colosseum

  • Moderately Light: Withholdment of Food & Water

  • Light: Limited Servitude


☼ Branding ☼

The pulling of fur is the standard practice of branding. The amount of fur removed, starting at the tail and continuing up the body, is determined by the severity of the crime and the season. Sunburn is the goal and it will be painful as no ointment or balm will be provided. You CANNOT self-medicate. If that is not enough pain, the social implications of obvious bald spots will be.


*All of these are what typically could happen for each level of punishment. However, each crime and its accompanying punishment will be evaluated and catered to case-by-case. The outcome will greatly depend on which Noblesse &/or Noble is judging.


One's rank and role are extremely important in Volaires. So much so that many aspects of the pack's general culture and functions depend on it. Each role serves a purpose and the pecking order of each role is crucial. To achieve a higher rank, it has to be approved of by a superior, Bourgeoisie or higher, and then that superior must get approval from the King. The expectation of all members of the pack, regardless of role, is to be the brightest and the best. Mediocrity is not seen well and it can lower your social standing within the pack. Once a role is chosen or a new rank is given, it is expected that that wolf goes to the Lyceum to update their story.


☼ King/Queen☼

The leader[s] of the pack. They are tasked with numerous jobs. Their top priority is to care for the well-being and safety of the pack, followed by continuing the royal bloodline. In addition to this, they are in charge of legitimizing newly earned ranks, keeping relations with neighboring packs, and seeing that justice is served. All wolves are expected to call them by their title and bow in their presence.


☼ Crowned Prince/Princess[es] ☼

Next in line for the throne. This role is determined not by order of birth, but by ability and skill as the reigning monarch's children grow. Regardless, the crowned heir is tasked with inspecting the pack’s resources and delivering orders on what needs to be done. In addition, they sit in on meetings and have additional training that comes with becoming the next in line to the throne. It is also expected that all wolves call them by their title as Prince or Princess.


☼ Volíel ☼

The Volíel are the holy knights of Vora and their pack. They fight to protect their home and the lives of their family and king. The Volíel are also in charge of patrolling and protecting borders and maintaining the peace and order of the pack. Wolves who are strongly built and enjoy the honor and thrill of battle will quickly rise through the ranks.


☼ Legate ☼

Sometimes, conflict may arise between neighboring packs and the Volaries. The Legates' responsibilities is to maintain amicable relations with them, as well as deliver messages when needed over long distances. In addition to diplomacy, they may also be tasked to investigate neighboring packs from a distance and return with information to their superiors. Keen minds and swift feet are needed here.


☼ Savant ☼

The Volaires pack has a long history and one that is rich in culture, discovery, and honor. Savants are responsible for holding on to these stories as they have valuable lessons to teach and they typically are masters of the word. Since the savants are typically wolves who hold vast amounts of knowledge, they are charged with the general education of the young and the pack as needed; including the guarding of the Lyceum and updating the history of individuals, notable families, and pack-wide events in the caves gallery.


☼ Heraldí ☼

Those who choose the role of Heraldí serve several functions within the pack. One such function is counseling. Because they are seen as intermediaries from the Gods and are tasked with overseeing important events like life and death, the pack views them as advisors. Another function is timekeeping. Since they are expected to keep the pack informed of the hours, some specialize in management and efficiency with pack resources. And lastly, maybe the most crucial at times, they serve as weather oracles. Heraldí, due to the large amount of time they spend looking at the sky in worship, are experts at predicting the weather. They are often able to foretell when storms, rains, blizzards, and other weather formations are approaching. The best Heraldí weather oracles may even be able to tell the weather three days in advance.


☼ Mesana ☼

Mesana are the pack doctors. They are dedicated to the art of healing through medicinal herbs and the knowledge gained from their own concoctions. However, unlike most packs, Mesana are bound by oath to care for the King and/or those with higher authority above all others in the horrible and unlikely chance that multiple wolves are in need of aid.  


☼ Cuilsseur ☼

The “culinary” experts of the pack. The Cuilsseur are the meat-winners and should have the strategic and physical capabilities to bring home food. They must know the migratory patterns of the fowl and the beasts, the ability to read the terrain to best avoid injury, and a calculative mind to ensure the highest success. Cuilsseurs, due to their first-hand knowledge of the world outside the pack, are also tasked with gathering supplies and other materials for the Volaires’ needs.


☼ Artiae ☼

Entertainment and the arts are important and crucial aspects of what make Volaires, Volaires. There are four distinct careers, each one holding different responsibilities within the pack, its own focus, and its own “guild master” (a noble in that career).  Below are the four subclasses of an artiae.


Battle [Battaliants]: They are entertainers and their role within the pack is to boost morale within the pack. A battaliant’s alternate focus is to also be so well versed in fighting strategy, that they can take down an opponent without ever using brute strength. Their ability to orchestrate and gracefully take down an opponent without killing or drawing blood is key to a good artiae battler.


Song [Lydians]: Maestros of the voice, these wolves are charged with leading the vocal aspects of rituals, renewing hope, and encouraging a reflection of emotions/change within the pack. Lydians will practice their voice and lyrical weaving skills in an attempt to be so refined that it transports their listener to a different world.


Dance [Daiseurs]: A daiseur is tasked with bringing life and joy to Volaires. Their most important duty is to bring about rain, gratitude, and appeasement to the Gods.


Paint [Piores]: Grinding certain flowers and plants to create a vivid array of colors, piroes paint images, feelings, or whatever they desire on rocks, trees, dens, and themselves. An Artiae Piore’s responsibilities are several. They are given charge of updating the Lyceum as per a savant’s guidance. They paint the pack for holidays and festivals. And to paint ranks on wolves as per the direction of the King.


Fun Fact: A guild master is addressed as “Master” rather than their noble title by their students only.


☼ Champion ☼

A solitary role; a wolf in this position has proven to be the best of the best of the fighters in the arena. This wolf also has the potential to hold more influence than the Noblesse! However, with that fame and power, there comes considerable risk. Other wolves will constantly be fighting for the hard-earned title, since the position is not secured, and if they are not careful, the champion may make enemies of those above them or who hold significant power. Be wise. Be wary. Be strong.


With living in the grasslands, plenty of small prey hide in the long grass. Thus it is not uncommon for one or two Cuilsseur to work together to thrush them out in order to gather a large pool of smaller, and on an occasion, medium prey to bring home. However, with larger animals like bison or deer, a higher number of wolves are needed as they pose a higher level of danger and are harder to bring down. Therefore, Cuilsseur typically hunt in groups of three or more in case the opportunity for acquiring larger game appears. 


☼ Small Prey ☼

[Rodents, small birds, fish.]

  • Whistle Pigs

  • Hares

  • Ferrets

  • Mice

  • Meadowlarks

  • Trout*

  • Fox

  • & More!


☼ Description ☼

Small animals in the grasslands are abundant and generally the easiest to catch and gather. These are commonly caught.

☼ Locations ☼

This type of prey tends to hide in tall grass, bushes, trees, and small rivers.


☼ Medium Prey ☼

[Sheep, deer, birds.]

  • Pronghorn

  • Grouse

  • Prairie Chicken

  • Deer

  • Coyote

  • Bighorn Sheep

  • & More!


☼ Description ☼

Medium creatures are harder to find as they have more power or the ability to stay hidden. These animals are also a common prey item but usually take more finesse.

☼ Locations ☼

The spread of locations for medium game is quite large. Some live in the thick bush. Some in the wide plain. And others on the side of cliffs or trees!


☼ Large Prey ☼

[Large hooved animals.]

  • Bison

  • Horse

  • Elk


☼ Description ☼

The largest fauna that is seen in the plains and they typically roam in large herds. They have the largest potential to cause serious injury or death, so approach with caution. These animals are highly prized for the wealth of resources they provide, particularly the bison.

☼ Locations ☼

Large open fields of meadow grassland are where these animals gather. There is typically not a lot of cover, so tactic and teamwork is key in taking them down.


* Water prey is more of a delicacy to the Volaires as fish are not a readily available or common source of food.


"As you stand proudly at the edge of a stone propped up from the ground, you see rolling hills of amber waves of grass shimmering in the sunlight and stretched out across the land as far as the eye can see. The high noon sun warms your fur and meadowlark songs sail through the gentle breeze as the wind lightly wipes away the warm kiss of the sun from your cheek. You continue to listen and notice the air is humming with the sound of bees lazily bumbling from one fragrant prairie flower to the next. Then, something large and brown catches your eye. You turn your head and the magnificent view of large brown beasts in an almost innumerable number appears before you. They contentedly graze on the sweet-smelling land and are oblivious to your presence. 

It is peaceful. It is calm. 


And you are the master of it all."


The Volaire territory is mostly large prairie lands. The terrain has small rolling hills, grass for miles around, and has a smattering of trees, bushes, and rocks to decorate its landscape with a few rivers flowing through to divide it. The largest and tallest structure is the Hitharian Highlands. A limestone riddled plateau in the shape of a crescent with a high overlook. This is where the Volaires take residence. 


The climate, due to being located in the heart of the land, lends itself to more extreme temperatures. The summers can be exhaustingly hot and the winters bitterly cold. During other times of the year, the climate is susceptible to large fluxes in temperature. Droughts and dust storms are not underheard of and fast-moving weather is a common phenomenon. You could have snow, rain, hail, and sun all in the same day! Despite this ebb of weather and climate, the grasslands prove to be an extremely diverse and rich environment with lots of beauty and mystery to discover.

☼ Significant Locations ☼

>Amber Grasslands<

Hunting Grounds; small hilled grasslands.

Prairie lands encircle the entire Volaires territory. With the fields of long grass, if one can get a high viewpoint, it looks like the world is a sea of amber waves. The grasslands hold small rounds of trees, occasional bushes, and fairly flat land with some small hills.


>Hitharian Highlands<

Pack Location; Plateau/Hill with limestone spears that crescents downward from the center.

The highlands is a north facing landmark and has its space divided into rank. The Noblesse live on the highest living space to receive the most light in the daytime. This location is in the top center of the crescent. As the crescent descends on either side, so does the rank which corresponds to how much sunlight is received per status. Wolves will dig through the soil, into the plateau, for their densite, often decorating it with any precious stones that they can find.


>Soleil Château<

Noblesse Palace; a high cave resting in the plateau with an overlook.

Soleil Château, or the Sun Castle, is the den site for the Noblesse. It is a rather curious cavern which houses large pillars of stalagmites. The Château also has an overlook and it is from this place that the King addresses the pack, watches battles, and determines sentencing.


>The Crimson Arena<

Battle Arena; an open-pit mine.

Located just under the Château, a multi-level pit is located. No one knows why the pit is shaped the way it is, with even levels circling the deepest part, but it is there and is perfect for holding battles in. Wolves can spectate the battle while staying safe, and the wolves battling in the pits are able to move freely within the confined space. Occasionally, a precious stone is uncovered in the arena during the fray of the battle.


>The Basking Stones<

Common Area; Many large stones litter the center of the crescent.

Several smooth stones lay in the center of the crescent and they are the perfect spot for sunbathing. The hot stone warms the body and the sun heats from above. This area is often a social gathering space as well as where large meetings are held when necessary from the King.


>The Holding<

Storage, Recovery, & Prison; an alcove in the plateau near Basking Stones.
So the pack may enjoy the spoils their packmates bring home, a small alcove is dedicated to storing the meat. Depending on the kill, the King always gets first pick and it continues down from there. In addition to the storage, there is an herb holding and recovery den separate to the kill pile for medical treatment. And further down on the third path leads to the catacombs…an endless, pitch black, and dangerous labyrinth that Condamné are confined to. This path is always protected and blocked by guards.


>Vora's Guidance<

Sundial; a clock made of limestones that tell time.

Made of large, glittery stones from the highlands, a sundial rests near the pack. The clock is a source of pride amongst the Volaires as it holds great and sacred significance. This is where Vora bestowed their wisdom unto a wolf and showed them the concept of time. This wolf’s blood is said to reside in the current royalty. The Heraldí are often here in worship and the pack frequents its location for use.


>Menelia Tree<

A notably scarred, but large and vibrant shade tree.

An ancient tale is spoken about the Menelia Tree and her scar. However, that’s a story for another time. Wolves typically enjoy cooling down underneath her branches and it is generally a hub for romantic couples at sunset.


>Caohr's Keep<

Graveyard; a hill filled with prairie flowers.

The graveyard is a quiet and peaceful area of the territory. Here, those who have been loyal and contributing members of the pack are laid to rest. The Noblesse have a separate gravesite within the keep, but everyone has access to them. And oddly enough, beautiful prairie flowers grow on top of all the dearly departed. But, royal catchfly flowers only seem to bloom on the Noblesse beds.


>The Gifted Rings<

Art Guild; A ring of four trees with a large boulder in its center.

Fostering talent takes time, patience, and quiet. Therefore, a special ring of trees, each representative of the four arts, is located nearby for such training. In its center, a large painted boulder rests where the guildmasters watch, train, and guide the incoming Artiaes.



Place of education; Cave that holds drawings and stories of the pack’s history.

There is much that can be learned from the mistakes of the past and the stories of those who lived before them. Without these, no future can be made successful. Therefore, this large cavern has large murals painted on its walls. Some are extremely old and mysterious. And some are more recent.


>Gilded Creek<

Creek; a medium river beloved for its beauty and occasional precious stone (gold).

Water is a must-have and this river flows close enough to the plateau that this creek is often used as the Volaires main source of drinking water. Sometimes, wolves will play in the water to keep cool during the summer months and others are on the hunt for something more rare to decorate their den with.


☼ Noblesse ☼

A small immediate family that reigns supreme through bloodline. The King or Queen is called by their title and name or the following: "Your Majesty, Sire/ess, Your Brilliance, or Your Luminance." Everyone else in the royal family is addressed as either Duke, Duchess, or Your Highness

King Thereus

Interim Crowned Princess Havanah (NPC)

Duchess Anaris (NPC)


☼ Noble[s] ☼

Wolves who have been personally recognized by the reigning monarch for their masterful abilities. Their title, when addressed, is Count or Countess.
Countess Héloïse (NPC) - Volíel
Count Bastien (NPC) - Heraldí
Countess Krymera (NPC) - Cuilsseur
Count Loïc (NPC) - Artiae Piores; Head Guild Master

Llaloc - Volíel

Gudrun - Volíel


☼ Bourgeoisie ☼

Experts in their respective tasks who have achieved some notable recognition from their superiors. Their title is Baron or Baroness. It is not required by social etiquette to call them as such. Lord and Lady are acceptable, but it is mandatory to address them as one of those titles

Baroness Miluna (NPC) - Mesana

Calypso - Legate

Garen - Volíel

Aelfric - Savant


☼ Cadres ☼

Cadres are wolves who have developed some skill in their respective roles and are able to contribute decently to the pack. Typically, these wolves are assistants. Cadres have no title given, but they have earned some respect and acceptance in the pack.

Amara - Heraldí


☼ Inferí ☼

The lowest of the low. Inferí are members of the pack who have chosen a task and have little to no experience; whether they have been born into or officially accepted into the pack. These wolves are seen as grunt workers for those in higher ranks. Therefore, they have no power and little to no respect from those above them, unless they are a Sunbeam (pup). However, there could be advantages to being less noticeable, who's to say.

Anastasie - Cuilsseur

Belmont - Volíel

Jacklyn - Heraldí

Masaccio - Artiae Piores

Ingo - Artiae Battaliant

Everett - Artiae Battaliant

Nephthys - Legate

Koa - Volíel

Nilla - Artiae Piores

Hel - Artiae Battaliant


☼ Condamné ☼

Condamné are prisoners or outsiders that have not yet been accepted into the pack. These wolves are treated with great suspicion and are never left alone. A volíel guard is with them at all times and they are forced to live in a catacomb deep within the Holding as well as wearing the symbol for the rank. Condamné who have attempted to escape through the catacombs are never heard of again as there is no light that enters those caves; which means the possibility of falling into dangerous ravines, abysmal cliffs, deep lakes, or extremely swift rivers is very high. After a condamné has spent some time in the caves and been interviewed by a high-ranking wolf, they are then able to explore the territory and learn with a guard or chosen trusted pack member to watch them. Once they have proven their worth and loyalty, they are then anointed by a Noble or higher and will be considered a member of Volaires.


Anointings are done in this fashion: A Noble will take an ornate shell and at either sunrise or sunset, go to the Gilded Creek. When the water has turned into the golds and ambers of the sun itself, the Noble will then take the sunlit cleansed water into the shell and pour it on the brow of the Condamné, where their ranking symbol resides. The symbol will then be washed away and the rank of inferí is then placed upon their forehead while saying: Élu, votre âme a été purifiée par la lumière de Vora. [Chosen one, your soul has been cleansed by Vora’s Light]


 The new member is then expected to say the following: 

Mon âme est Brillante et mon caraour, ma loyauté repose sur Vora, le Roi, et Volairies.

[My soul is Bright and my heart, my loyalty, belongs to Vora, the King, and Volairies]



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